GoPro, Camera, Phone, Drone - when to use what

Each tool tells a different story and it depends on the individual what he/she wants to tell to the viewer.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of each Camera?

DSLR Camera.

Best for: night shots (long exposure), portrait (nice bokeh with 35-50mm fixed lens), zoom (e.g. animals), sport events (e.g. fast shutter/100+ bust pictures);

Good: creativity and versatility, in the night, sport, animal photography (especially when zoom is needed)

Bad: heavy (though there are some good options like the Sony alpha 6xxx series; expensive (especially the lenses)


Best for: creative-fun shots, sport (self-)activities like surfing, biking etc; selfies, landscape, (under-)water photography

Good: easy to operate, light-weight, wide-angle, lot of accessories for sport (self-) activities

Bad: low light scenes, portrait, zoom/macro shoots


Best for: nature, landscape, city (check permission)

Good: fun to operate, provides a different perspective, makes views possible a human cannot reach (easily)

Bad: a lot of places officially banned drones e.g. national parks, cities, sightseeing spots; expensive, bulky


Best for: capture instant moments, food and people (portrait mode!), panorama mode (better then e.g. panorama mode of DSLR imho)

Good: always with you, easy to post-process, easy to operate

Bad: night shoots where long exposure is needed (though the cameras got a lot better and it seems the new iPhone 12 wants to take it to a new level), limited creativity (due to limited lenses and camera functions), sport events and sport (self-) activities



